Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Unlimited money and politics.

The 2012 Presidential election campaign has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that you can buy your candidacy. Case in point the Wisconsin recall election. It also proves what a politically biased supreme court can do to ruin elections and life in general. I believe we need a change to the for life term the court now enjoys. I find it interesting that the Republican party ( including the so call Tea party) run on family values and less regulation. The only thing they care about is what will put more money in their pockets, regardless of what happens to other people or the planet. If you don't believe me, prove me wrong.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Religious discrimination

What has happened to this country. It seems that if you are not proclaiming at the top of your lungs that you are a CHRISTIAN!!!!! you are looked down upon, scorned, ridiculed and said to be UN American. Since when was determined that to be an American you had to be a Christian? Some on the FAR right want this to be a CHRISTIAN nation. I believe this is wrong. Many of our ancestors left their homelands because of that very reason. I believe our founding fathers wanted to make sure of religious we had freedom of religion.
If anything we should be Jews, after all CHRIST was a Jew.
The Christian right is constantly proclaiming how we should fear or hate the Islamic fundamentalists. Maybe we should, but we should also be concerned about the Christian fundamentalists right here in this country.
Christians have shed just as much blood as Islamists. Can't we all be religious in our own way. I personally am leaning toward Buddhism. It seems to be the most non-confrontational of all the religions.
You may disagree with me and that is OK. I just think we need to take a step back and reconcider this proclamation that this America is a Christian society.
I would like to hear what you have to say on the subject.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Is this the end of the middle class?

I like to think (at least to myself) that I am part of the middle class (albeit the lower part). Having said that. I don't know how much longer I can make myself believe it. There seems to be a push by corporate America and those in political power today to eliminate the middle class as we know it. I look around at what is happening with wages and benefits ( or the lack there of) offered by business and see a downward trend. It looks like they want only two classes - RICH  and POOR. This is something that I find very strange. It has historically been, that the middle class is what buys the bulk of the products that business produces not the rich or the poor. If this is the case, why would you eliminate your best customers?
The only thing I can surmise, is that they want to sell there products overseas and only need cheap labor her to produce them. With lower wages they can hire more bodies which makes it look good for  labor statistics and they can make more profits.

I just hope that this comes back to haunt them. But I fear it will take a revolution before we see any positive changes.
Keep fighting for what is fair and just.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Snyder' less than brilliant governing style

I must ask a question. Why would you tax people who can least afford it, just to give it to people who don't need it. I have an eighty four year old mother that still needs to work to make ends meet. She doesn't live high on the hog or waste money. She grew up in the depression and learned to mind her money and that is probably a good thing with this economy. I also have married friends that both work two jobs. Unfortunately neither have a degree and have not been able make much more than minimum wage. this is just a sample of the people that Snyder has cast aside in favor of his corporate cronies.
So let's give Reaganomics another go, maybe this time it will work. Yeh right!!! More later.
Take Care all.